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Rate Increase Policy

  • All rates are subject to a minimum 2% annual increase.

Facility Rental (Main Auditorium, Marie Fleming Studio, Okanagan Spirits Foyer)

  • All bookings must be booked and confirmed by the Rentals Manager, with the exception of the Society's presentation series.
  • A booking is only considered confirmed once a contract has been signed and a rental deposit has been made. The amount of the rental deposit is the base rent applicable to all dates rented.
  • Tickets will not go on sale until we have received and executed your contract, and received your rental deposit.
  • The Licensee shall not sell any tickets except through and under the Ticket Agent, and the Licensee agrees that the method of ticket sales shall include the following:
    • A Facility surcharge per sold ticket (as outlined under "Fees") shall be charged, collected and accounted for by the Ticket Agent to the Society; and
    • A Ticket Agent surcharge per sold ticket (as outlined under "Fees") shall be charged.
    • The Licensee is responsible for all credit card and debit card charges which arise from ticket sales.
    • Tickets must be of the type able to be torn so that stubs may be retained.
    • The Licensee acknowledges that the tickets may be produced and sold through a computerized system which may be subject to intermittent interruption due to technical malfunction. The Licensee agrees that provided that all reasonable efforts are made to service and maintain the system, and all reasonable steps are taken to restore the system to operation in a reasonable time frame. The Ticket Agent may not be held responsible or liable for downtime due to technical malfunction or scheduled system maintenance.
  • If a renter desires to cancel the booking for any particular date or dates, the renter must give notice in writing to the Society of such cancellation at least ninety (90) days prior to their booking, in which case the Society will return any monies paid in advance. However, if a cancellation is made less than ninety (90) days prior to a booking, then the money paid in advance shall be forfeited to the Society as liquidated damages.
  • The Society must possess all of the renter's paperwork (contract, insurance, and deposit) before any persons involved in the event may enter the building. The Society reserves the right to refuse entry to any renter who has not completed the appropriate paperwork.
  • The Executive Director has the right to object to any song, speech, dialogue, business or costume which in their reasonable opinion may be regarded ‘beyond fair comment’ and considered to be hate speech or advocating or inciting prejudicial treatment or persecution towards any gender, race, social or sexual orientation; and as such, any song, speech, dialogue, business or costume shall be forthwith changed or omitted in advance of the performance(s) as the Executive Direct may direct.
  • Any Events with any unusual degree of risk (such as pyrotechnical effects, or stunts) must be fully described at the time of booking and must be approved by the Technical Director.

Non-Resident Tax Policy

  • As required by Regulation 105 of the Income Tax Act, Vernon & District Performing Arts Centre will deduct and withhold 15% tax from all amounts paid to a non-resident of Canada. Non-residents of Canada who feel that the withholding tax is more than their actual tax liability to Canada may apply in advance to Canada Revenue Agency to have the tax waived or reduced. If the application is approved, the CRA will authorize the Vernon & District Performing Arts Centre to not withhold or to withhold at a reduced rate. A Regulation 105 Waiver Application (R105E) is available from the CRA's website at: www.cra.gc.ca.

Dealing with Donations for "By Donation" Event Policy

  • The renter must take the uncounted donations with them, and the Front of House team has no involvement with them.

Vernon & District Performing Arts Centre's Hold Policy

  • All potential renters may place holds on a maximum of three dates
  • All holds can be challenged
  • Once a hold is challenged the Rentals Manager will contact the date holder, who will be given a maximum of one week to either confirm or release the held date(s).
  • If the date holder would like to keep the date(s) on hold they must pay a non-refundable rental deposit within the allotted time (one week).
  • If the date holder releases the date(s), the challenging renter must pay a non-refundable rental deposit when booking the challenged date(s). Please Note: In order to confirm a booking, we must receive both a rental deposit and signed contract. Only then will the booking be considered confirmed. A deposit is required no less than 4 months before the rental date.

Staffing Policies

  • All performance days must have a Guest Relations Team Leader and a sufficient number of trained volunteers to comply with safety and evacuation regulations.
  • Any time a member of a renting organization is present anywhere in the building, the Technical Director must be present.
  • If an event is longer than four hours, an additional Front of House call will be charged.

Audience Policies for Stage and Auditorium for Performance and/or Rehearsal

  • If there are more than 20 non-performers in the audience or more than 50 performers and/or non-performers, a Guest Relations Team Leader must be present. This expense will be charged to the renter.
  • A Guest Relations Team Leader Leader is someone who has gone through extensive front of house training and is educated on the building's evacuation procedure. The Team Leader will sit in a visible place of the lower house in order to see the entire auditorium. The Team Leader is responsible directly to the Vernon and District Performing Arts Centre and not to the rental group.
  • All Guest Relations Team Leaders have been approved by the Vernon and District Performing Arts Centre.
  • During rehearsal periods members of the renting organization are allowed to access to the back stage area and the lower level of the main auditorium only. Access to the Okanagan Spirits Foyer, balcony, Coatcheck Gallery, and the Marie Fleming Studio is strictly prohibited.
  • If a rental group does not abide by these regulations, the Team Leader will notify the Technical Director, who has the right to stop the rehearsal until the situation is rectified.

Damage to the Building Policy

  • The Vernon & District Performing Arts Centre does not patch anything. All torn drapes shall be replaced.
  • All damage done to the facility during an event shall be paid for by the renter's insurance.
  • All renters are required to provide a certificate of insurance naming all of the following additional insureds before they will be permitted to enter the building:
    • Vernon & District Performing Arts Centre Society: 3800 - 33rd Street, Vernon, British Columbia V1T 5T6
    • City of Vernon: 3400 30th Street, Vernon, British Columbia, V1T 5E6
    • Regional District of the North Okanagan: 9848 Aberdeen Road, Coldstream, British Columbia, V1B 2K9

Availability Policies

  • The Vernon & District Performing Arts Centre is closed and unavailable for rentals on Christmas Day and New Year's Day.
  • The Vernon & District Performing Arts Centre is unavailable for the purpose of weddings and/or wedding receptions.
  • The Vernon & District Performing Arts Centre does not restrict the booking of similar or competitive acts on dates that are close to any existing booking.

Postering Policy

Box office:

  • Display of up to two copies (dependent on available space) of posters for any specific event for which Ticket Seller sells tickets. Posters will not be displayed until the tickets are on sale, unless they have very clear markings indicating the on-sale date. Posters may be requested by patrons, but are not available for them to pick up until after the event is completed. Posters without requests will not be returned to the licensee.

Vestibule West wall:

  • Posters for local (Vernon, Coldstream, Electoral Areas B & C) arts events and shows only.
  • Posters will be removed if they do not fit these criteria. Posters will not be returned to their owners.

Lobby board:

  • As space permits, we will display up to two copies of posters for any specific event which takes place at the Performing Arts Centre. Licensees may also put up advertising during their events.


  • Posters are limited to the Lobby board, pillars, and easels.


  • No postering allowed

Marie Fleming Lobby:

  • No postering allowed

Marie Fleming Studio

  • No postering allowed

Green Room Hall:

  • Promotions for artist support services only. This includes restaurants, doctors, dentists, massage therapists, caterers, musicians, dancers, etc.

Dressing Room Hall:

  • No postering allowed

Posters outside of the Building:

  • Postering outside of the Performing Arts Centre must comply with civic bylaws. Posters may only be placed in local businesses (and only with their permission). Posters must never be attached to lamp standards, hoarding walls, or public spaces (unless specifically designated for posters.)

Front of House Policies

Patrons Invited on the Stage

  • Any invitation for patrons to go on stage during a performance must be approved by the Rentals Manager and/or the Technical Director a minimum of two weeks prior to the event.
  • If the Technical Director and/or Guest Relations Team Leader at any time deems the situation unsafe, they have the authority to stop the performance until order has been restored to the situation.
  • Arrangements for any extra staffing for an event must be made a minimum of two weeks prior to an event by the renter. The renting organization is responsible for all staffing costs incurred.
  • If necessary, security personnel will be supplied and supervised by the renting organization. Security personnel with be the financial responsibility of the renting organization.

Cleanup Emergency Procedure

  • The following are considered cleanup emergencies:
    • Bodily fluids
    • Structural damage (example: broken window)
    • Chemical spill
    • Flooding
  • In the case if a cleanup emergency the Building Maintenance Supervisor must be called. The Guest Relations Team Leader and/or Technical Director is not required to clean up the mess, but they must cordon off the mess and make the area around the mess safe for the patrons.
  • After the affected area has been made safe for patrons, the Guest Relations Team Leader and or Technical Director must fill out a Janitorial and Incident report.

Janitorial Surcharge Policy

  • Renters must leave the building as it was found upon arrival; including the standard janitorial cleanup
  • All renters with significant or extraordinary janitorial demands will be charged a cleanup fee billed as per the current Rental Rates sheet
  • A glitter cleanup fee will automatically be charged for all events using glitter (on costumes, props, sets, etc) as indicated on the current Rental Rates sheet

Accessibility Policy

  • Wheelchairs:
    • The theatre possesses wheelchair ramps at all of its main entrances. Each lobby of the Vernon & District Performing Arts Centre has a wheelchair-accessible washroom. The Okanagan Spirits Foyer is equipped with a service lift which gives the user access to every floor except the balcony.
    • The theatre provides wheelchair seating for every performance, and assistance upon request to patrons using walkers, etc.
    • Any item that cannot leave the theatre of its own volition in an emergency situation must be removed from the theatre during the performance. As long as the wheelchair takes the place of a seat (ie. the person is sitting in it), then it can stay in the auditorium.
  • Walkers/Canes/ Crutches/Carseats/Strollers:
    • The theatre provides handicap seating for every performance, and assistance, upon request, to patrons using walkers, etc.
    • A patron may use walkers, canes, etc to find their seats; however, any item that cannot leave the auditorium on its own volition in an emergency situation, must be removed from the theatre during the performance.
    • There are two exceptions to this rule. First, if a walker takes the place of a seat, and the patron is sitting in the walker then they may keep it. Second, if a patron has a cane and it is small enough to fit in the space beside their seat, they may store it there.
  • Service Animals:
    • Service animals are welcome in the Theatre; however, patrons and the service animals must be seated in the wheelchair section.

Video and Photography Inside the Auditorium

  • The Rentals Manager and box office must be made aware a minimum of two weeks in advance if there will be filming and/or photography during a performance.
  • All tripods for photography and video may only be set up in the wheelchair bays or in one of the Kings boxes. Seats for this purpose will have to be reserved with the box office prior to tickets going on sale.

Procedure for Problem Patrons

  • If there is a disruptive or problematic patron, following are the appropriate steps to follow:
    • The volunteer who has witnessed the problem should find the Team Leader immediately. Volunteers are never expected to deal with conflict. All volunteer positions have a "buddy", so that one volunteer can leave while the other is left to watch over the safety of the house. This needs to be done at the time of the incident, and not after the show.
    • The Team Leader can then approach the patron with the Theatre's concerns. The first step is a warning, and then if the problem persists, the patron will be asked to leave.
    • The Team Leader must give a detailed summary on their front of house report describing the incident. This report should also include the seat number of the patron.
    • Once the office has the seat number, the Artistic and Managing Director can contact the patron and remind them of our standard policies and practices.

Back Stage Policies

Loading Bay Policy

  • No props, set pieces, or equipment of any kind may be left in the theatre after an event. All equipment belonging to the renter must be cleared out of the facility by the end of the renters' contracted rental day(s).
  • All props, set pieces, or equipment left in the theatre by a renter will be disposed of by the Vernon & District Performing Arts Centre's Technical Director.
  • Any exceptions to this policy must be discussed and approved by the Technical Director a minimum of two weeks prior to the event.

Fire Exit Policy

  • All fire exits must be kept clear at all times.
  • Fire exits may not be blocked by set pieces, large amounts of equipment, or numerous people at any time before, during, or after a performance.
  • The Technical Director has the authority to stop a production if this policy is not followed.

Show Policies

  • Only the Vernon & District Performing Arts Centre's Technical Director may start a show. No promoter, stage manager or crew from a renting organization may start a show.
  • The renter must be present in the building a minimum of 30 minutes prior to curtain.
  • All special effects must be approved by the Performing Arts Centre Technical Director a minimum of two weeks prior to the event.
  • If a production has performers entering through the audience at any point during a show, the Vernon & District Performing Arts Centre's Rentals Manager and Technical Director must be notified 2 weeks before the event.
  • All tech riders must be submitted to the Technical Director a minimum of two weeks before an event.
  • The Technical Director will call a meal break between 3-5 hours on a standard 8-hour day. The timing of this break can be negotiated in advance of the rental to accommodate production schedules. All work on stage will come to a stop for the duration of the break and the theatre and backstage areas shall be vacated of all the renting organization’s personnel. Should a rental day exceed 10 hours, a second 30-minute meal break must be taken.

Staffing Policies

  • The Technical Director will have the final say in all technical crew staffing decisions.
  • A minimum two venue technicians are required for all auditorium rentals, including rehearsals (minimum 4-hour call). One venue technician will fill the head carp/backstage safety role. A minimum of three technicians are required for all concerts and variety shows: LX, A1, A2/Head Carp (min. 4-hour call).
  • All rental groups must have trained personnel to operate the flys, lighting and sound equipment, and the projection system.
  • All extra crew must be approved by the Vernon & District Performing Arts Centre Technical Director
  • The renting organization is responsible for all staffing and crew costs not included in the rental.